A Perfect Pamper Evening

It’s got to be said that having a pamper evening is a great luxury. Whether it’s some important and much needed quiet alone time or whether you make a night of it with friends, it’s a winner. I truly believe that in a world with so much going on and so many stimulations and stressors around us, taking a moment to step back, breathe and be in the moment is very important. Everyone has different ways that they like to unwind and for me I have different ways of unwinding depending on my mood. Sometimes a pint at the pub with friends is the perfect de stressor and other times a face mask and a movie is the way to go.

In this article I’m going to breakdown for you ways that I like to unwind, pamper and delve into a state of relaxation and calm.

The first thing I like to do is ensure that the space around me is clear. I find this an important first step to properly relax or else I feel slightly on edge. Clear surroundings, clear mind or something like that…

Once my space is organised, I set the mood. This could be dimming the lights, lighting a candle, putting one of those fire simulations on your TV or, if you have the luxury of having a real fire, whacking that on. In the summer if it’s a nice evening I think opening the window creates a lovely atmosphere.

Now, lots of people might see taking a bath as being the perfect next step in a pamper routine. I skip this step. I’m not a bath person and I never have been. They actually create far more stress than calm for me as I can never get the temperature right and I find the whole experience a bit of a stressful one. So, I avoid the bath, but if this is something you enjoy then go ahead and run a bath with your favourite essential oils, sit back, and relax.

A face mask is a must for me when I’m pampering. I find that when my skin feels deeply cleaned and hydrated, I feel like a million bucks. There’s also something about the aesthetic of doing a face mask that I really enjoy.

I might then follow on from my face mask by using my Gua Sha as although I’d love for this to be a part of my daily routine, I don’t seem to find the time to be consistent with it. So, when I do take this time for myself, I find it a very soothing and therapeutic experience. It’s worth watching some videos on how to correctly do your Gua Sha routine as there are definitely proven results of consistent use, as well as lymphatic drainage being so beneficial for our bodies.

Depending on what style of pamper evening you’re going for, you might want to pour yourself a lovely glass of wine or brew a soothing herbal tea. I’ve sometimes had both together and this is a good balance!!

Once you’re feeling clean and fresh, this is when I would put on some cosy, comfy clothes and settle in front of the TV. My preference of what to watch on a night like this would be something lighthearted and fun. Whether that be an Adam Sandler comedy or a cheesy Nicholas Sparks romance. This is where you’ll find me until the end of the evening.

Good snacks are always important. Anything from popcorn to fruit and everything in between. Whatever you fancy goes. This is your time. If I was having a girls pamper night then I might opt for ordering pizza or something of the sort. Equally, you can order a takeaway for one! Alternatively, you could chef up something delicious in the kitchen. Some people find cooking stressful and would choose to have a day off when they’re pampering, I find it very therapeutic so I might whip up something simply and easy yet nutritious and delicious. I have a lot of go-to recipes for moments like this, where less mess is best. You don’t want to spend a large chunk of your pamper evening cleaning up lots of utensils and pots and pans you’ve used whilst making dinner. It takes away the fun aspect in my opinion.

When I’m at the sleepy stage of falling asleep in front of the TV I’ll take myself off to bed and maybe get some reading in. I absolutely adore anything Colleen Hoover and the way that she transports me to a different world through her words is truly magical. Reading is a fantastic way to settle your mind and properly switch off. I know how easy it is to get yourself into an endless scroll on Instagram or a TikTok hole, but if I can resist the urges, reading is the better route before bed.



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